FEBRUARY 2022_Black History Month

Roles: Illustration, Graphic Design, Concept and Art Direction (Animation)

Make it stand out.

Black History Month started with a statement as we took on Google for Creators: Black Creators Matter

But the campaign wasn’t just about saying “Black Creators Matter” It was about showing the everyone, Black Creators that they may never have come across

Black History Month wasn’t just about content creators and creation. The theme for BHM 2022 was Black Health and Wellness, and we wanted to remind Black creators to prioritize their wellness.

I worked on the hand illustration and it went through a few different iterations before we landed on this peaceful figure that personified the idea of Black rest.

But we realized it couldn’t just be us talking about it. So we brought in mental health professional and content creator, Dr. Mariel Buque,


March 2022